by admin | Aug 30, 2023 | 2023 vol. 1 issue 2
Natural Killer cells at war: Unravelling the role of NK cells in acute myeloid leukemia Vlad-Andrei CIANGA, Catalin Doru DANAILA, Ion ANTOHE, Mariana PAVAL-TANASA, Petru CIANGA, Cristina RUSU, Angela Smaranda DASCALESCU Natural Killer (NK) cells play a major...
by admin | Aug 30, 2023 | 2023 vol. 1 issue 2
The importance of MIR-4328 gene mutations in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Onda-Tabita CALUGARU, Mihaela DRAGOMIR, Silvia APOSTEANU, Cerasela JARDAN, Alina Cristiana MEIROSU, Daniel CORIU Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) is a hematological emergency. Despite the high...
by admin | May 30, 2023 | 2023 vol.1 issue 1
Cold Agglutinin Disease – Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges in the Clinical Setting Carmen SAGUNA, Alexandra Oana ENACHE, Maria BUBULETE, Mariana RACILA, Andrei COLITA, Nicoleta Mariana BERBEC, Virginia MARIN, Elena BALAN, Raluca Mihaela MANOLACHE, Doina BARBU,...
by admin | May 30, 2023 | 2023 vol.1 issue 1
Philadelphia chromosome positive de novo AML or blast phase CML? Dan-Sebastian SOARE, Georgiana Elena ENE, Daniela DIACONESCU, Delia SOARE, Cristina ENACHE, Cristina MAMBET, Ion DUMITRU, Madalina CIRNU, Ana-Maria VLADAREANU, Eugen RADU, Horia BUMBEA The...
by admin | May 30, 2023 | 2023 vol.1 issue 1
COVID-19 infection in a patient with Follicular non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. A Case Report Despina Calamar POPOVICI, Sandra Monica LAZAR, Alina Maria ILIE, Larisa Marina DAVID, Oana SARAU, Dacian Nicolae OROS, Claudiu Octavian IONITA, Sorin Adalbert DEMA, Nicolae Constantin...